

PokeNexus is a free Monster Catching MMO where you can battle and level up alongside your friends in real time. Join the Poke Nexus!

Nexus | Pokemon Fan Fiction Wiki

Nexus is a series created by Dakota. It was first announced on July 27th, 2021. It is user-based, with characters and ideas being submitted by wikia users ...

Pokemon Nexus: Ultimate Trainer Challenge

Welcome the the Generation 8 update for Pokemon Nexus! The Pokemon Nexus: Anniversary Edition update is right around the corner, and will be uploaded separately ...

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokémon SV+ is a Pokemon Scarlet and Violet rom hack that aims to provide a Vanilla+ experience and includes QOL changes, trainer overhaul, new post game, and ... Pokemon Compass · Pokemon SV Plus · Pokemon Resaturated SV · Faster Batt

Pokemon Nexus v1.0.0 DEMO

I have the demo for v1.0.0 of the game out and ready to play! The purpose of this release is to obtain useful feedback from you, the community!

Pokémon Nexus : rPokemonRMXP

Pokémon Nexus is a fangame (my passion project) inspired by Rejuvenation, Reborn and other series, novels, and mangas I've been reading and ...

can you download pokemon planet anymore? what is pokemon Nexus

Pokémon nexus is their rebranding for Pokemon planet. Had to change it for legal reasons. Just go on the website and log in.

Poke Nexus-Kanto Walkthrough-All You Need To Know

Hi to all and welcome to guide through Kanto region here i will tell you all you need to know to get through nice and easy.

PokeNexus - The Worst Pokemon MMO I've Ever Played

This is NOT a review. This is a FIRST IMPRESSIONS. ~60% of gamers drop a game within the first hour, so its first hour or 2 of gameplay is ...

Poke Nexus-Tips Info Guide

Poke Nexus (PPO) - Everything You Need To Know About IV's And IV Resets And Why They So Important. Games are us by Dolmio007.


PokeNexusisafreeMonsterCatchingMMOwhereyoucanbattleandlevelupalongsideyourfriendsinrealtime.JointhePokeNexus!,NexusisaseriescreatedbyDakota.ItwasfirstannouncedonJuly27th,2021.Itisuser-based,withcharactersandideasbeingsubmittedbywikiausers ...,WelcomethetheGeneration8updateforPokemonNexus!ThePokemonNexus:AnniversaryEditionupdateisrightaroundthecorner,andwillbeuploadedseparately ...,PokémonSV+is...